1. Make the first toss to find the probability (\(p\)) that Alice wins in a single toss

logArray = rep(FALSE, 8)
while ( sum(logArray) != 5 ) {
  pInit  = runif(1, min = 0, max = 1)   # choose some p from a uniform distribution on (0,1)
  pNext8 = runif(8, min = 0, max = 1)   # throw 8 times, Alice wins every time the real number is below pInit
  logArray = (pNext8 < pInit)           # how many times did Alice win? Loop stops if this is 5
sum(logArray) == 5   # this is TRUE now, i.e. we have a good pInit because Alice won 5 times with it
## [1] TRUE
cat(paste("The initial toss came up with p =", round(pInit,3) , "\n"))
## The initial toss came up with p = 0.285
get_pInit <- function() {
  logArray = rep(FALSE, 8)
  while ( sum(logArray) != 5 ) {
    pInit  = runif(1, min=0, max=1) 
    pNext8 = runif(8, min=0, max=1) 
    logArray = (pNext8 < pInit) 
trials = 5000
pInitArray = numeric(trials )
for (i in 1:trials ) pInitArray[i] = get_pInit()
hist(pInitArray, col = "red", breaks = 40, main = "Distribution of pInit knowing A=5 ; B=3")  #  posterior distribution 

2. Play the game one time

pInit = get_pInit()         # prior knowledge already included (via the distribution of pInit)
AlicePoints = 5             # current score
BobsPoints = 3
while ( (AlicePoints < 6) && (BobsPoints < 6)) {
  nextThrow = runif(1, min = 0, max = 1)   # one toss
  if ( nextThrow <= pInit) {AlicePoints = AlicePoints + 1} else {BobsPoints = BobsPoints + 1}
AliceWins = (AlicePoints == 6)
BobWins   = (BobsPoints == 6)
if(AliceWins) cat("Alice won.") else cat("Bob won.")
## Alice won.

3. Play the game many times

NumberAliceWins = 0
NumberBobWins = 0
numberGames = 5000
pInitArray = numeric(numberGames)

for (i in 1:numberGames) {
  pInit = get_pInit()       # renew in each game!
  pInitArray[i] = pInit     # save for histogram of posterior distribution
  AlicePoints = 5           # current score
  BobsPoints = 3
  while ( (AlicePoints < 6) && (BobsPoints < 6)) {  # play this game until one participant wins
    nextThrow = runif(1, min = 0, max = 1)
    if ( nextThrow <= pInit) {AlicePoints = AlicePoints + 1} else {BobsPoints = BobsPoints + 1}
  if(AlicePoints == 6) {NumberAliceWins = NumberAliceWins + 1} else {NumberBobWins = NumberBobWins + 1}
(NumberAliceWins + NumberBobWins) == numberGames  # This must be TRUE
## [1] TRUE

4. Results

hist(pInitArray, col="red", breaks=40, main="P(p|A=5,B=3)")

odds = NumberAliceWins/NumberBobWins 
cat(paste("The odds was", signif(odds, 3), "\n"))
## The odds was 9.92
