

The program pipeline conducts a Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS). It runs a linear or logistic regression in order to identify genetic variants being associated with a quantitative or a binary trait. The pipeline also includes two methods (GCTA-COJO and PLINK-CLUMP) for the identification of independent genetic variants, i.e. variants which are in linkage equilibrium.

The pipeline consists of Bash shell scripts and R scripts. Some R-scripts make also use of Rmarkdown documents for reporting and visualization of results.

The main programs of the pipeline are automatically sent to the SLURM (“Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management”) workload manager when they are started. After submission, jobs can be traced using the command


This command displays job number, job name, job status, and elapsed time. A job (or all jobs connected to your login name) can be canceled using

scancel jobnumber
scancel -u username

Some scripts can be run in an interactive session which can be started on the Linux console using the interactive command, e.g.:

interactive -n 16 -t 6:00:00 -A sens2019016 

This exemplary command requests a whole node (16 cores) for 6 hours.

You should always run large programs not being sent to the SLURM in interactive mode, because running in the login node might slow down computation rate substantially. Only a few (auxiliary) scripts can be run in the login node; if so, a notification is added to the program description.

R scripts only work correctly if the corresponding modules are loaded. The vast majority of the scripts loads the modules automatically. Only a few (less important) scripts require manual loading. For these scripts, please run

module load R_packages/3.6.1 

before starting the R script. If you forget to load the module, you will probably be notified that some R-libraries cannot be supplied. It may also be important to load just the release 3.6.1 of the R-modules because newer releases might not be compatible with the scripts written.

Many programs of the pipeline require submission of numerous parameters. Parameters that are not likely to change very often are stored in so called “settings files”   in order to reduce typing. The settings files are read by the associated program at startup. They must be located in your home folder, see the installation instructions and the description of the settings files. You can edit these files to change the parameters permanently, but please stick to Bash syntax in the files with suffix .sh
and to R syntax in the files with suffix .R.

Parameters that presumably change more often or have to be unique must be entered on the command line. Some parameters defined in the settings files but can also be entered on the command line. As a general rule, parameters provided on the command line override definitions in the settings files.

If a program name is typed without parameters, a concise message showing the command line parameters is displayed.

The main programs use named parameters of the form - -arg value or -a value. That means that you can use the short argument identifier (starting with a single minus sign) or the long argument name (starting with two minus signs). See the examples below for clarification. Other scripts (often R-scripts) use positional parameters. It is important for these programs to enter the parameters in the correct order.

It is important to emphasize that the pipeline uses sensitive data originating from the UK Biobank. It is therefore not allowed to share these data with researchers who are not registered with UK Biobank. In particular, data containing ID’s of the participating individuals must not be copied from the server to any other storage device. See this UK Biobank website for more information.


The following commands have to be carried out just once.

Add the following lines of code to the file .bashrc   which is located in your home directory :

export SCRIPT_FOLDER="/proj/sens2019016/GWAS_SCRIPTS"

The SCRIPT_FOLDER environment variable defines the location of the scripts.
General information regarding .bashrc   files can be found on this web site.

Replace the above project name with your genuine project identifier. Source the ~/.bashrc   after finishing the changes :

 source ~/.bashrc

Copy all files located in the folder /proj/sens2019016/DEFAULT_SETTINGS to your home folder (which can be addressed using a tilde: ~):

cd /proj/sens2019016/DEFAULT_SETTINGS 
cp -i *.sh *.R ~/ 

These files are labelled “settings files” throughout this document. More about the settings files can be found here.

Settings files

Settings files store program parameters and are sourced by scripts at startup, so that there is no need to invoke these parameters on the command line.

A typical “settings file” looks like that:

The settings file for run_gwas

The settings file for run_gwas

Different settings files provide input parameters for different programs:

Settings file Programs reading that file
gwas_settings.sh run_gwas.sh ; gwas_chr.sh ; run_gwas_single.sh
cojo_settings.sh run_cojo.sh ; cojo_pheno ; cojo_convert.sh; cojo_chr.sh ; cojo_collect.sh ; cojo_clean.sh
clump_settings.sh run_clump.sh ; clump_pheno.sh ; clump_chr.sh
review_settings.sh review_gwas.sh
review_settings.R review_gwas.R
archive_settings.sh archive_gwas.sh ; retrieve_gwas.sh ; tar_gwas.sh ; untar_gwas.sh
convert_settings.sh convert_genotype.sh ; convert_genotype_chr.sh
diagnose_settings.sh gwas_diagnose.sh ; gwas_diagnose_INT.sh ;gwas_diagnose_nomarker.sh ;extract_genotype.sh
diagnose_settings.R deprecated
extract_settings.sh extract_samples.sh ; extract_samples_chr.sh ; extract_snps.sh ; extract_snps_chr.sh
remove_settings.sh remove_samples.sh ; remove_samples_chr.sh
extract_raw_settings.sh extract_raw.sh
fetch_settings.sh fetch_pheno.sh
linkage_settings.sh linkage_pair.sh
stats_settings.sh get_stats.sh

Note that the scripts are always called without the corresponding suffix because softlinks have been created, e.g.

ln -s run_gwas.sh run_gwas

As a consequence, you can just call “run_gwas” instead of “run_gwas.sh”.

Changes in the settings files can be made to adapt to your needs. However, it is important to stick to bash syntax in the settings files with suffix .sh and to R syntax in the settings files with suffix .R. Text following a hashtag (#) is a comment and is irrelevant for the code. Feel free to add your own comments.

Input verification

Most of the scripts conduct a number of checks in order to make sure that the input is correct before starting the program (sending it to the SLURM).

Validation is made regarding:

In case of any inconsistency, an ERROR message is shown containing script name and failure description.
Moreover, the auxiliary program check_file can examine if a file is correctly formatted.

GWAS pipeline


An overall of the workflow is shown in the scheme below. The most important part is the linear or logistic regression conducted by the script run_gwas (and it’s subprograms). You can traverse the pipeline along some path indicated by the red arrows. For instance, you can just run the regression and then immediately proceed to review_gwas in order to get a visual summary of the regression results. Alternatively, you can squeeze in GCTA-COJO or PLINK-CLUMP (or both) in order to identify markers which are in linkage equilibrium.

Each of the programs calls a number of sub-programs (e.g. for each phenotype and for each chhromosome), see below.

Regression: PLINK2.0

The linear or logistic regression is conducted using PLINK2.0.


The name of the main script running the regression is run_gwas, which has the following command line parameters:

Command line options for run_gwas

Command line options for run_gwas

The screenshot shows what you see if the program name is typed without any parameter.

Parameter Description Variable name Default value
id job identifier ident none
phenofile phenotype file phenofile none
phenoname phenotype name phenoname none
phenofolder phenotype file location phenofolder ~/gwas_settings.sh
covarfile covariate file name covarfile ~/gwas_settings.sh
covarname names of covariates to include covarname ~/gwas_settings.sh
genoid genotype file identifier genoid ~/gwas_settings.sh
chr chromosomes chrom ~/gwas_settings.sh
maf threshold for minor allele frequency maf ~/gwas_settings.sh
mac threshold for minor allele count mac ~/gwas_settings.sh
vif maximum allowed variance inflation factor vif ~/gwas_settings.sh
hwe p-value threshold for HWE test hwe_pval ~/gwas_settings.sh
mr2 allowed MACH-r2 imputation quality range machr2 ~/gwas_settings.sh
geno maximum missing call rate for variants marker_max_miss ~/gwas_settings.sh
mind maximum missing call rate for samples sample_max_miss ~/gwas_settings.sh
minutes required runtime in minutes minutes ~/gwas_settings.sh
ask ask for confirmation before start ask ~/gwas_settings.sh

The 3rd column of the table (“Variable name”) displays the variable names used internally in the scripts and in the settings file ~/gwas_settings.sh.

The minimum input consists of the job identifier (“id”), the phenotype file (“phenofile”), and the phenotype names (“phenoname”). (As a rule, parameters without default values must be invoked on the command line.) Other parameters are sourced from the “settings file” gwas_settings.sh, but can be overwritten on the command line. Very few parameters are exclusively defined in the settings file, e.g. the PLINK2.0 version, see the table below.

The job identifier is a character string which can be freely chosen. It serves for the identification of the project and for labeling of the output files. All output files will be stored in a folder with the same name as the identifier. The folder is automatically created by the script.

The phenotype file must be in the format accepted by PLINK2.0, see the input file description. Each column - except for the first two being reserved for Individual ID (IID) and Family ID (FID)) - represents a quantitative or a binary phenotype.

The phenotype names must be column names of the phenoytype file (this is checked by the script). Multiple phenotypes can be invoked as a comma-separated list, but be aware that submitting many phenotypes at once starts many jobs in the SLURM simultaneously. (The number of jobs submitted is the number of phenotypes times the number of chromosomes invoked). The phenotype file must be located in the folder defined by phenofolder. (If a dot is entered for phenofolder, the phenotype file must reside in the current folder, i.e. the folder the run_gwas is started from.)

The file containing the covariates (“covarfile”) must be in the format required by PLINK2.0, see the input file description. Again, the first two columns must contain IID and FID, while all other columns represent a quantitative or a binary covariate. The names of the covariates to be included must be column names of the covariate file (also checked by the script). The covariate file must be located in the same folder as the phenotype file (i.e. it must be located in the current folder if a dot was entered for the phenofolder variable).

The genoid parameter specifies which genotype dataset is used as input. Only a few choices are possible, depending on the project you are working with. In general, it should be sufficient to keep the definition which is pre-selected in gwas_settings.sh.

The script runs the regression on all chromosomes invoked for each phenotype simultaneously, if the necessary number of computing nodes is available. By default, all autosomes are included in the analysis (defined in ~/gwas_settings.sh). By changing the the chr parameter, a single chromosome or a (contiguous) range of chromosomes can also be analysed (e.g. 1-10 for the first 10 chromosomes). Up to now, only autosomes can be included in the regression (but this can be changed easily)

Samples with a minor allele frequency below the threshold “maf” are discarded from the association study, likewise samples with a minor allele count below the threshold “mac”. Note that too low values of maf or mac can make the regression results unreliable. See also the PLINK manual regarding filtering. Minor allele frequency and minor allele count are calculated based on the portion of samples included in the actual regression. This portion is the intersection of:

  • samples included in the genotype file,
  • samples included in the phenotype file, and
  • samples included in the covariate file.

This implies that it is sufficient to filter one of these files, if filtering is intended. For more information regarding filtering, check out the scripts filter_samples, filter_pheno, or filter_phenotype.

High variance inflation factors point to collinearity of two or more input variables, making the regression results unreliable. The maximum allowed variance inflation factor (“vif”) in run_gwas is set to 10 by default, see the ~/gwas_settings.sh. According to several sources, this number should not be exceeded, check here or here. However, the PLINK website says you should “not be afraid to greatly increase the - -vif threshold after you have studied the problem and confirmed that moderate multicollinearity does not interfere with your analysis”. The older PLINK1.9 sets the vif threshold to 50 by default, see here.
The regression is aborted with an error message if the calculated variance inflation factor exceeds the specified limit. If the regression fails because of high variance inflation, some of the independent variables (covariates) should be removed from the analysis. Collinearity of the covariates can be investigated ab initio by using the auxiliary script examine_covariates.

PLINK checks for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium of the allele frequencies using the Hardy-Weinberg Exact Test. The \(p\)-value threshold (“hwe”) is set to \(p = 1.0\cdot 10^{-6}\) by default (~/gwas_settings.sh). The null hypothesis states that the allele frequencies are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Consequently, low \(p\)-values indicate a statistical significant deviation from the equilibrium, and the corresponding markers are excluded from the analysis.

The mr2 parameter tells PLINK the accepted imputation quality range which is set to \(0.8-2.0\) by default. Imputation has been conducted using the MaCH software package.

The geno parameter filters out markers with missing-call rates exceeding the provided value, see the PLINK manual. In a similar manner, the mind paramter filters out samples with missing-call rates above the defined threshold. Both thresholds are set to \(0.1\). Note that the corresponding variable names (used in the script and in ~/gwas_settings.sh)
are marker_max_miss and sample_max_miss, respectively, as documented in the table above.

The minutes parameter specifies the requested runtime in minutes for each chromosome. If enough nodes are available, this is the approximate runtime of the whole job, because the chromosomes are run simultaneously. Too low values can lead to premature interruption of the regression, leading to unfinished output files (summary statistics). Therefore, it is important to check the logfiles for errors and warnings, as described below.

The ask parameter can be set to “y” or “n”. When set to “y”, the user is asked to confirm the invoked settings before the job is sent to the SLURM.

As already mentioned, a few parameters can only be set by editing the ~/gwas_settings.sh:

Parameter Desription Variable name Default value
plink_version PLINK program version plink_version plink2/2.00-alpha-2.3-20200124
partition partition (node or core) partition node
minspace miniumum required disk space minspace kB = 1 TB

The parameter plink_version specifies the release of PLINK2.0 used for the calculation. New plink versions can be downloaded here. The plink_version parameter must then be modified accordingly.

The program checks how much disk space is available in the current file system before starting the job, and compares it with the value defined for minspace. The job terminates with an error message if the available disk space is below the defined limit. The actual value declared in the settings file (1 Terabyte) is quite generous. However, the limit should not be chosen too low because filling up the disk to the last byte can cause quite a lot of trouble.

Input files

Three types of files must be available before a GWAS can be started:

  • genotype files
  • phenotype files, and
  • covariate files.

The genotype files have been prepared and are localized in the folder /proj/sens2019016/GENOTYPES and /proj/sens2019570/GENOTYPES, respectively. These folders have two subfolders BED and PGEN, containing genotype files in different formats:

  • binary genotype format (.pgen), see here
  • binary biallelic format (.bed), see here

Two different genotype file formats must be provided because different programs of the pipeline require different formats. The run_gwas script uses the pgen files only.

The phenotype file names are declared with the parameter phenofile, see above. Phenotype files must be in the format requested by PLINK2.0, see the corresponding description. In general, these files must at least have a column containing the Individual ID (“IID”). In the pipeline presented here, the Family ID (“FID”) column is also mandatory.

A typical phenotype file with one quantitative trait looks like this (first 10 lines):

A phenotype file

A phenotype file

Every column of the phenotype file (except for the first two) stands for a phenotype. The column names in the phenotype file must agree with the parameter invoked for phenoname. Multiple phenonames can be entered as a comma-separated list.

It is important to note that binary phenotypes are expected to be encoded with particular integer numbers (1=control, 2=case, see this site). Missing values must be encoded with 0 or -9 (negative 9).

If the input format is correct, the script detects automatically if a trait is quantitative or binary, and conducts a linear or logistic regression accordingly. Quantitative and binary phenotypes can be combined in a single run of the pipeline.

The covariate files must have a similar structure. There is a prepared covariate file (“GWAS_covariates_PC40.txt”) available, containing 45 covariates (age, age_squared, sex, array, height as well as 40 principal components created by PCA with regard to genetic relationship of the samples). The file contains 337,466 samples (filtered for Caucasian ethnic background and absence of relatives in the database).

The columns of both the phenotype file and covariate file must be tab-separated. Input files for PLINK can be checked for accuracy before starting the pipeline using the script check_file, see the section Auxiliary scripts.

Output files

The script run_gwas   creates a number of output files [in the table, a star (*) stands for a string that depends on the chosen input parameters]:

File name pattern Description
*.glm.linear summary statistics after linear regression, for each chromosome
*.glm.logistic summary statistics after logistic regression, for each chromosome
*_gwas.log main logfile
*_gwas_chrom*.log chromosome-specific logfile
*_gwas_signif.txt text file containing all genome-wide significant markers
*_gwas_params.txt parameter file
*.Rdata binary data files storing regression results, to be used in subsequent scripts

The summary statistics files contain the results of the linear or logistic regression, including the slopes of the regression lines (\(\beta\)), \(p\)-values, standard errors, as well as effect and alternate alleles and their corresponding frequencies.

The “parameter file” contains the parameters chosen on command line or read from the settings file. This information can be used to reproduce the pipeline run. The file is especially important because the information therein is also used by subsequent scripts in the pipeline.

As mentioned above, all output files created in a single run of the pipeline are stored in a separate folder, having the same name as the job identifier chosen. The gwas_settings.sh, the covariate file and the phenotype file are also copied to this folder, in order to make the pipeline run reproducible.

If only genome-wide significant markers are needed (e.g. for Mendelian Randomization), the results obtained so far should be sufficient. The scripts merge_gwas_results or concat_gwas_results can be used to concatenate the regression results obtained for the individual chromosomes, see the section “Auxiliary scripts”. If the regression results must be inspected in detail, the script review_gwas can be run, see the corresponding description.

The logfiles combine information created by run_gwas (or it’s sub-programs) with the complete logfile created by PLINK2.0.

Checking accuracy

It is recommended to check if the regression step was executed without failure before proceeding with the next steps of the pipeline. Therefore, it is useful to search all logfiles in the results-folder for errors or warnings by using the following Linux commands:

fgrep -i error *.log
fgrep -i warning *.log

The -i option stands for ignore case, ensuring that also phrases like “ERROR” or “Error” are detected. If these commands yield no output, the regression step was most likely successful.

A frequently occuring “error” is exceedance of the requested runtime. In that case, the job can be restarted with a higher runtime claim (increased minutes-parameter).

It is also possible to repeat the regression for a single chromosome using the script run_gwas_single. This should be preferred over conducting run_gwas for that chromosome, because it can be started in the existing results-folder, and adds the results to the existing ones, while run_gwas, performed for a single or a few chromosomes, creates a new folder to store the results.

If a more rigorous validation is intended, the script check_gwas can be executed, see here for details.
This program also checks if the results are complete, so that aborted jobs can be identified. Additionally, the script considers the dates of the logfiles, in order to exclude obsolete files.


The script run_gwas calls the script gwas_chr which performes the regression step for a single chromosome and for all phenotypes entered.
The individiual chromosomes are sent to the SLURM simultaneously if enough resources are available.


The following exemplary command provides the minimal set of command line parameters that have to be entered:

run_gwas --id Test --phenofile liver_fat.txt  --phenoname liver1

All other program parameters are taken from ~/gwas_settings.sh.

When launched as shown in the example, the run_gwas script automatically creates s folder names “Test” in the current directory. All output of the pipeline is then stored in this folder. The file “liver_fat.txt” must reside in the location declared by the parameter phenofolder. This file must have a column named “liver1” (in addition to the “#FID” and “IID” columns).

It is also possible to use the short version of the formal parameters, so that

run_gwas -i Test  -p liver_fat.txt  -pn liver1

would submit exactly the same job.

Often, jobs terminate halfway because the runtime limit was exceeded. In that case, the job can be restarted with a modified runtime claim:

run_gwas --id Test1  --phenofile liver_fat.txt  --phenoname liver1 --minutes 180

which would request 3 hours runtime for each chromosome.

Note that you have to choose another identifier (- -id  ) if the job is restarted. Otherwise, run_gwas exits with an error message in order to prevent removal of finished GWAS runs by accident. If you are sure that a GWAS run is obsolete, you can remove the existing folder with

rm -r Test 

In general, be careful with the rm command, there is no such thing like a bin in UNIX/Linux. Once a file or directory is removed, it cannot be recovered if no backup is available. Check the UPPMAX website to see how the backup is organized.

If many covariate names are to be entered on the command line (overwriting the declarations in ~/gwas_settings.sh), it is convenient to define a variable which stores the name string:

run_gwas --id Test  --phenofile liver_fat.txt  --phenoname $cov --minutes 180 --hwe 1.0e-20 

The token “$cov” in the command is replaced by the complete string defined by the upper command. The command above sets also the cutoff for the \(p\)-value calculated by the Hardy-Weinberg Test to \(1.0 \cdot 10^{-20}\).

Linkage: GCTA-COJO

The GCTA-COJO program identifies markers in linkage equilibrium (“independent markers”) by analysing the summary statistics file (*.linear and *.logistic, respectively) generated by run_gwas. A description of the method can be found in this article. A detailed description of the software was given in this paper. The corresponding website is here.


The main script conducting GCTA-COJO is run_cojo. In order to run the program, you must change to the directory created by run_gwas. If the identifier was chosen to be “Test”, as in the example above, this is accomplished by typing

cd Test

The program run_cojo has the following command line parameters:

run_cojo parameters

run_cojo parameters

Parameter Description Variable name Default value
id job identifier ident none
phenoname phenotype name phenoname all phenotypes run
pval p-value cutoff for genome-wide significance pval ~/cojo_settings.sh
window window for assumed linkage equilibrium window ~/cojo_settings.sh
colline cutoff for collinearity (\(R^2\)) collinearity ~/cojo_settings.sh
maf threshold for minor allele frequency maf ~/cojo_settings.sh
minutes required runtime in minutes minutes ~/cojo_settings.sh
ask ask for confirmation before start ask ~/cojo_settings.sh
keepma keep cojo input file keepma ~/cojo_settings.sh

The job identifier ( id ) has to be the one used in run_gwas. It is checked by the script if the actual folder name agrees with this identifier. If no phenotype name ( phenoname ) is entered on the command line, all phenotypes run through the regression by run_gwas will be considered. (The phenotype names are then taken from the parameter file described above.)

For the \(p\)-value defining genome-wide significance of a marker ( pval ), a default of \(5.0 \cdot 10^{-8}\) is most frequently used. That corresponds to a Bonferroni adjustment for multiple testing for one million markers.

The parameter window tells the program at what distance (in Kb) a pair of markers is considered to be in complete linkage equilibrium. The default value is 5000, if not changed in ~/cojo_settings.sh.

The colline parameter controls how stringent collinearity between candidate markers is punished. A marker is excluded if the \(R^2\) calculated by multiple regression against the already chosen markers is bigger than the chosen value. This is also explained here. By default, the parameter is set to 0.9.

By choosing the maf parameter, SNP’s with a minor allele frequency lower than that value are excluded from the results. Often, this filtering is already performed in the regression step, see above.

The minutes parameter specifies the requested runtime per chromosome.

The ask parameter can only be set to “y” or “n”. When set to “y”, the user will be asked to confirm the chosen settings before the jobs are sent to the queue. The default value is “y” (declared in ~/cojo_settings.sh) because the number of jobs to submit might be very large, see below.

The parameter keepma tells the script to keep the input file for run_cojo after the program has been running, instead of deleting it. This file is constructed on the basis of the GWAS output files (and has the suffix .ma ). Keeping that file is mainly important for debugging. By default, the option is set to “n” because the file is quite big (about 500 MB).

A few parameters cannot be changed on the command line but only by editing the ~/cojo_settings.sh file:

Parameter Desription Variable name Default value
skip_chrom skip chromosomes without significant SNP’s same 1
sleep_between_pheno pause submission to SLURM same 0
partition requested partition (node or core) same node
minspace miniumum required free disk space same 100.000.000 kB = 100 GB
cojo_convert_time required runtine for cojo_convert.sh same 20 minutes
cojo_collect_time required runtine for cojo_collect.sh same 10 minutes
cojo_clean_time required runtine for cojo_clean.sh same 10 minutes
alt_genoid genotype identifier for run_cojo same FTD_rand

The option skip_chrom tells the program that chromosomes having no significant hit or just one significant hit after regression are excluded from the analysis. ( As a matter of course, if the chromosome has just one significant hit, this is the independent one! ) The chromosome is also excluded if no or only one hit remains after maf-filtering (in case that option was chosen). If such a situation occurs, the user receives a message like that:

or like that:

When sleep_between_pheno is set to a non-zero value, the script pauses submission to the queue that many minutes between individual phenotypes (if multiple phenotypes were chosen). This option can be used to prevent overloading of the queue (run_cojo submits 25 jobs per phenotype, see below.

The partition parameter can either be “node” or “core”. Most of the time, “node” is a better choice because considerably more CPU memory is provided when this option is chosen. For more information look here.

The program checks how much disk space is available in the current file system before starting the job, and compares it with the value defined for minspace. It stops with an error message if the disk space is below the defined limit. The actual value declared in the settings file (100 GB) is quite generous. However, the limit should not be chosen too low because filling the disk up to the last byte can cause quite a lot of trouble.

The parameters cojo_convert_time, cojo_collect_time, and cojo_clean_time declare runtime requests for some subprograms called by run_cojo. For details, see the sub-program section. These are relatively small programs so that the defaults shown in the table above should be sufficient.

In order to save CPU-time, run_cojo uses only a subset of the available genotype data as a reference sample {#reference_dataset} when the parameter alt_genoid (“alternative genotype identifier”) is defined. In ~/cojo_settings.sh, the default is set to FTD_rand, which refers to 10,000 individuals randomly chosen from a genotype dataset that was filtered for Caucasian ethnic background and for absence of relatives in the dataset. Note that FTD_rand does not contain all samples (individuals) but all variants in order to enable LD calculation. When the alt_genoid entry in ~/cojo_settings.sh is outcommented, run_cojo uses the same genotype dataset as used in the regression step. (This genotype dataset is inferred from the parameter file mentioned before, see above. ) More about the reference sample can be found here or in the article by Yang et al..

Input files

No input files have to be declared for run_cojo. The script reads the output files created during the regression step and converts them to the appropiate input format for run_cojo. Other necessary information is taken from the parameter file. However, it is important to start the script in the folder containing the GWAS output.

Output files

The script run_cojo creates the following output files [a star (*) stands for a string which depends on input parameters]:

File name pattern Description
*_cojo.log main logfile for a phenotype
*_cojo_chrom*.log chromosome-specific logfile
*_cojo_clean.log logfile for cojo_clean.sh
*_cojo_collect.log logfile for cojo_collect.sh
*_cojo_convert.log logfile for cojo_convert.sh
*_cojo.jma list of independent markers for a phenotype
*_cojoed_markers.RData binary data file storing independent markers for a phenotype
*_cojoed_orig_markers.RData the same with original \(\beta\) and \(p\)-values
*_cojo_files.tar.gz some archived output files of minor importance

The main results, containing the independent markers, are stored in the file ending on "*_cojo.jma". The *.RData files contain information for subsequent scripts.

GCTA-COJO adds further information to the parameter file created in the regression step.

Checking accuracy

Again, it is recommended to check if all parts of the pipeline were executed without failure so far before proceeding with the next steps. Therefore, it is useful to parse all logfiles in the results-folder for errors or warnings. This can be accomplished by using the following Linux commands:

fgrep -i error *.log
fgrep -i warning *.log

The -i option stands for ignore case, ensuring that also phrases like “ERROR” or “Error” are detected. If these commands yield no output, the regression step was most likely successful. If exactly launched as displayed above, the command checks the logfiles created in the regression step, too.

A frequently occuring error is runtime limit exceedance, especially for the chromosomes harboring many markers (e.g. chromosome 2). In that case, the job must be restarted with a higher runtime claim, by scaling up the minutes-parameter.

If a more rigorous check is to be done, the script check_gwas can be executed, see some details here. This program checks also completeness of the results and considers the dates of the logfiles in order to exclude outdated files.


The script run_cojo calls cojo_pheno, cojo_convert, cojo_chr, cojo_collect, and cojo_clean as shown in the graph:

The sub-program cojo_convert reformats the output of run_gwas to serve as input for run_cojo. The cojo_pheno starts the jobs for a single phenotype, calling cojo_chr for all invoked chromosomes. cojo_collect mainly combines the results for the individual chromsomes, while cojo_clean collects warnings and errors from all logfiles created, deletes some temporary files and archives files with minor importance in order to save disk space.

Note that 25 jobs for each phenotype are submitted if all autosomes are analyzed. Using the sleep_between_pheno option can unburden the server, because the submission is paused between the individual phenotypes, so that “only” 25 jobs are started at a time.

The individual sub-programs started by run_cojo have several dependencies. The script cojo_convert has to be finished before other sub-programs can be started, because cojo_convert provides the input files for the whole chain. Furthermore, cojo_collect and cojo_clean can only be started at the end of the chain. Consequently, if you list your jobs running the squeue command, you’ll notice that not all jobs can be started simultaneously:

As shown in the plot, the cojo_convert, labelled CONVERT, has already started (as indicated by the letter R) while all other sub-programs are flagged with “Dependency”.


In order to run GCTA-COJO, you have to change to the folder containing the regression results. If the identifier was chosen to be “Test” in the regression step, this can be accomplished by typing

cd Test  

The minimal input of run_cojo could for instance be:

run_cojo --id Test  

In that case, all phenotypes are treated that have been run through the regression step (data is taken from the parameter file).

In case you are interested in a subset of the phenotypes that have been running through regression, you can explicitly make a request for these phenotypes:

run_cojo --id Test --phenoname liver_fat,liver_size

This command includes two phenotypes only (but still uses 50 nodes or cores on the server!).

Unfortunately, it will often be necessary to repeat the run with increased runtime request, because the job could not be finished timely. The runtime limit can be adjusted by modifying the minutes parameter:

run_cojo --id Test --phenoname liver_fat,liver_size --minutes 200  

Please keep in mind that you can also use the short version of the formal parameters, so that the last command can be replaced by:

run_cojo -i Test -pn liver_fat,liver_size -m 200

The minutes parameter refers to the runtime for a chromosome.

There are more arguments which can be supplied to run_cojo, see the table above. Just type run_cojo without any argument in order to obtain a complete list of options. Also, keep in mind that the default options can be changed by modifying the file ~/cojo_settings.sh.


An alternative approach to identify SNPs in linkage equilibrium (“independent markers”) is clumping, performed by PLINK1.9. Clumping starts with markers having \(p\)-values (from regression) below a user-defined threshold (called “index SNPs”) and creates clumps of all other markers that

  • are located within a certain window around the index SNP, and
  • are in linkage disequilibrium with the index SNP.

The linkage disequilibrium is evaluated based on an \(R^2\)-threshold. More details can be found here, some additional information is here. The basic PLINK article is by Purcell et al..


The main script running this algorithm is run_clump which has to be started inside the folder containing the regression results. If the identifier was chosen to be “Test” in the regression step, the following command changes to the appropiate folder:

cd Test

The program run_clump has the following command line parameters:

run_clump parameters

run_clump parameters

Parameter Description Variable name Default value
id job identifier ident none
phenoname phenotype names phenoname all phenotypes run
p1 \(p\)-value cutoff for genome-wide significance clump_p1 ~/clump_settings.sh
p2 secondary significance threshold clump_p1 ~/clump_settings.sh
r2 threshold for \(R^2\) in LD calculation clump_r2 ~/clump_settings.sh
kb window for assumed linkage equilibrium clump_kb ~/clump_settings.sh
minutes requested runtime in minutes minutes ~/clump_settings.sh

The job identifier ( id ) has to be the same as used in run_gwas. It is checked if the actual folder name agrees with this identifier. If no phenotype name ( phenoname ) is entered on the command line, all phenotypes run through the regression by run_gwas will be considered (The phenotype names are then taken from the parameter file described above.)

The parameter p1 denotes the threshold for genome-wide significance, thus defining potential index SNPs. The default value is \(5.0 \cdot 10^{-8}\). The parameter p2 denotes the secondary significance threshold, with a default value of \(5.0 \cdot 10^{-6}\). Markers within a clump will be explicitly listed in the output if their \(p\)-value is below the p2-threshold.

The coefficient of determination (“variance explained”, \(R^2\), parameter r2  ) is used as a measure for the linkage of a pair of markers. Two markers are considered to be in linkage disequilibrium if the corresponding r2 is above the defined value. If two markers have a distance (in kilobases) bigger than the kb parameter, they are a priori considered to be in linkage equilibrium.

The following parameters cannot be changed on the command line but only by editing ~/clump_settings.sh :

Parameter Desription Variable name Default value
genofolder location of the genotype files same /proj/sens2019016/GENOTYPES/BED
sleep_between_pheno pause submission to queue same 0
partition requested partition (node or core) same node
minspace miniumum required free disk space same 100.000.000 kB = 100 GB
plink_version plink 1.9 version used same plink/1.90b4.9
clump_collect_time requested runtine for clump_collect.sh same 10 minutes
alt_genoid alternative genotype identifier same FTD_rand

The genofolder parameter determines the location of the genotype data. Because PLINK-CLUMP can only be used with PLINK version 1.9, the genotype data must have binary biallelic genotype format (including .bed; .bim; .fam files).

When sleep_between_pheno is set to a non-zero value, the script pauses submission to the queue that many minutes between individual phenotypes (if multiple phenotypes were chosen). This option can be used to prevent overloading of the server queue (run_clump submits 23 jobs per phenotype, see below).

The partition parameter can either be “node” or “core”. Most of the time, “node” is a better choice because considerably more CPU memory is provided when this option is chosen. For more information regarding memory management look here.

The program checks how much disk space is available in the current file system before starting the clump program, and compares it with the value defined for minspace. It stops with an error message if the disk space is below the defined limit. The actual value declared in the settings file ~/clump_settings.sh (100 GB) is quite generous. However, the limit should not be chosen too low because filling the disk up to the last byte can cause quite a lot of trouble.

The parameter plink_version specifies the release of PLINK1.9 used for the calculation. New PLINK versions can be downloaded here. The plink_version parameter must then be modified accordingly. Keep in mind that clumping can only be performed using (the older) PLINK1.9.

The parameter clump_collect_time declares the requested runtime for the subprogram clump_collect.sh. This is a relatively small program so that the default shown in the table above should be sufficient.

In order to shorten runtime, run_clump can use a subset of the available genotype data as a reference sample.
This is determined by the parameter alt_genoid (“alternative genotype identifier”).
In ~/clump_settings.sh, the default is set to FTD_rand, which refers to 10,000 individuals randomly chosen from a genotype dataset that was filtered for Caucasian ethnic background and for absence of relatives in the dataset. Note that FTD_rand does not contain all samples (individuals) but all variants in order to enable LD calculation. When the alt_genoid entry in ~/clump_settings.sh is outcommented, run_clump uses the same genotype dataset as used in the regression step. (This genotype dataset is inferred from the parameter file created in the regression step, see above. ) Additional information regarding the reference dataset can be found on the plink1.9 website.

Input files

No input files have to be declared for run_clump. The script reads the output files created during the regression step and converts them to the appropiate input format for run_clump. Other necessary information is taken from the parameter file. However, as already mentionend, it is important to start the script in the folder containing the GWAS output files (“*.linear” or "*.logistic").

Output files

The script run_clump creates the following output files [a star (*) stands for a string which depends on input parameters]:

File name pattern Description
*_clump.log main logfile for a phenotype
*_clump_chrom*.log chromosome-specific logfile
*_clump_collect.log logfile for clump_collect.sh
*_clump.jma list of independent markers for a phenotype

The main results, containing the independent markers, are stored in a file ending on "*_clump.jma". (The suffix .jma is chosen to harmonize with the main GCTA-COJO output.)

PLINK_CLUMP adds further information to the parameter file created in the regression step.

Checking accuracy

Again, it is recommended to check if all parts of the pipeline were executed without failure so far before proceeding with the next steps. Therefore, it is useful to parse all logfiles in the results-folder for errors or warnings. This can be accomplished by using the following Linux commands:

fgrep -i error *.log
fgrep -i warning *.log

The -i option stands for ignore case, ensuring that also phrases like “ERROR” or “Error” are detected. If these commands yield no output, the regression step was most likely successful. If exactly launched as displayed above, the command also checks the logfiles created in the regression step and in the GCTA-COJO step (if conducted).

The following warning can be ignored: “No significant - -clump results. Skipping”. It means that the corresponding chromosome didn’t harbor any genome-wide significant hit.

A frequently occuring error is runtime limit exceedance, especially for the chromosomes harboring many markers (e.g. chromosome 2). In that case, the job must be restarted with a higher runtime claim, by scaling up the minutes-parameter.

If a more rigorous check is to be done, the script check_gwas can be executed, see some details here. This program checks also completeness of the results and considers the dates of the logfiles in order to exclude outdated files.


The script run_clump calls the subprograms clump_pheno, clump_chr , and clump_collect as shown in the graph:

The script clump_pheno starts the jobs for a single phenotype, calling clump_chr for all chromosomes to be considered. clump_chr is the script that calls the PLINK program. The subprogram clump_collect combines the results for the individual chromsomes.

Note that 23 jobs for each phenotype are submitted if all autosomes are analyzed. Using the sleep_between_pheno option can unburden the server, because the submission is paused between the individual phenotypes, so that “only” 23 jobs are started at a time.

While the PLINK program is started simultaneously for the individual chromosomes (if enough nodes are available), the sub-program clump_collect must wait until all chromosomes are finished. If you list your jobs running the squeue command, you will therefore notice that clump_collect is pending :

As shown in the plot, the clump_collect script, labelled “CLMOCOLL”, is flagged with “Dependency” while the PLINK jobs on the individual chromsomes (“CLUMP-XX”) are already running, as indicated by the letter R.


In order to run PLINK-CLUMP, you have to change to the folder containing the regression results. If the identifier was chosen to be “Test” in the regression step, this can be accomplished by typing

cd Test  

The minimal input of run_clump may then be the following:

run_clump --id Test  

In that case, all phenotypes that have been run through the regression step are treated (data is taken from the parameter file).

In case you are interested in a subset of the phenotypes that have been running through regression, you can explicitly make a request for these phenotypes:

run_clump --id Test --phenoname liver_fat,liver_size

This command includes two phenotypes only (but still uses 46 nodes or cores on the server!).

Unfortunately, it will often be necessary to repeat the run with increased runtime request, because the job could not be finished timely. The runtime limit can be adjusted by modifying the minutes parameter:

run_clump --id Test --phenoname liver_fat,liver_size --minutes 200  

Please keep in mind that you can also use the short version of the formal parameters, so that the last command can be replaced by:

run_clump -i Test -pn liver_fat,liver_size -m 200

The minutes parameter refers to the runtime per chromosome (but chromosomes are running parallel if enough nodes are available).

There are more command-line arguments which can be supplied to run_clump, see the table above. Just type run_clump without any argument in order to obtain a complete list of options. Also, keep in mind that the default options can be changed by modifying the file ~/clump_settings.sh.

Reviewing the results

The script review_gwas provides a graphical summary (in HTML format) of the results obtained. It can be run immediately after run_gwas, or include the results of run_cojo and/or run_clump, see the workflow above. The output of review_gwas includes:

  • a short description of the regression model,
  • lists of all parameters used during the pipeline,
  • statistics regarding filtering of samples and variants,
  • tables of significant and/or independent variants (for PLINK-CLUMP and GCTA-COJO, if run),
  • a QQ-plot for the \(p\)-values originating from regression,
  • a Manhattan plot highlighting the genome-wide significant markers,
  • a SNP density plot,
  • a histogram and a Kernel density plot of the slopes for the regression lines (\(\beta\)-values),
  • a list of the variance inflation factors for the covariates,
  • an analysis of the residuals (histogram over residuals, QQ-Plot for residuals, etc.)


In order to run the program, one must change to the directory created by run_gwas. If the identifier was chosen to be “Test”, this is accomplished by typing

cd Test

The program review_gwas has the following command line parameters:

review_gwas parameters

review_gwas parameters

Parameter Description Variable name Default value
id job identifier ident none
phenoname phenotype name phenoname none
chr chromosomes to invoke chrom ~/review_settings.sh
minutes required runtime in minutes minutes ~/review_settings.sh

The job identifier ( id ) has to be the same as used in run_gwas. It is checked by the script if the actual folder name agrees with this identifier. The script can only handle one phenotype at a time, hence phenoname must be a single word. The parameter chr denotes the chromosomes to include, the default setting includes all autosomes (1-22), see the settings file for this script (~/review_settings.sh). The minutes parameter specifies the requested runtime for the whole script.

A few parameters cannot be changed on the command line but only by making modifications in the ~/review_settings.sh file:

Parameter Desription Variable name Default value
minspace miniumum required free disk space (Kb) same 10.000.000 = 10 GB
partition requested partition (node or core) same node

The program checks how much disk space is available in the current file system before starting review_gwas, and compares it with the value defined for minspace. It stops with an error message if the disk space is below the defined limit. The actual value declared in the settings file (10 GB) should be sufficient.

The partition parameter can either be “node” or “core”. Most of the time, “node” is a better choice because considerably more CPU memory is provided when this option is chosen. For more information regarding technical information look here.

The scripts review_gwas calls a subprogram review_gwas.R. This subprogram reads it’s own settings file ~/review_settings.R, also containing some default parameter values:

Parameter Desription Variable Default value
p_threshold \(p\)-value threshold (Manhattan plot same 5e-8
bandwidth bandwidth for kernel density plot same 0.01
annotation FTO and GNAT2 annotation in Manhattan plot same FALSE
colvec Manhattan plot colors same c(“red”,“limegreen”)
max_xls max. number of hits listed in spreadsheet same 500

Markers with a low \(p\)-value are emphasized in the Manhattan plot. The variable p_threshold defines the threshold for the \(p\)-values. If annotation is set to “TRUE”, two genes (FTO and GNAT2) are highlighted in the Manhattan plot. The colvec parameters determine the colors used for the Manhattan plot.

The bandwith-option determines how smoothly the Kernel density plot for the \(\beta\)-values is drawn-out. The review_gwas script creates a spreadsheet containing all significant markers if their number is below the max_xls cutoff.

When review_gwas running, the job is labelled with the job-ID (here: “liver18”):

review_gwas running

review_gwas running

Input files

No input files have to be declared for review_gwas. The script reads a number of files created during the previous steps and converts them to the appropiate format. Again, it is important to start the script in the folder containing the output files created by the the scripts run beforehand.

Output files

The script review_gwas creates the following output files [a star (*) stands for a string which depends on input parameters]:

File name pattern Description
gwas_report.Rmd Rmarkdown file containing the results
gwas_results.RData Results in zipped (R-) format
Filtered_*.RData Results of filtering
*_regression_frame.RData Auxiliary table
*_regression_resid.RData Auxiliary table
*_regression_metric.RData Auxiliary table
*_regression_lmtab.RData Auxiliary table
*_regression_vif.RData Auxiliary table
*_resid_hist.png Plot: histogram of the residuals
*_resid_qq.png QQ-plot for the residuals
*_cook_dist.png Plot: Cook’s distance
*_signif_markers.RData Auxiliary table
*_cojoed_markers.RData Auxiliary table
*_cojoed_orig_markers.RData Auxiliary table
*_clumped_markers.RData Auxiliary table
*_cojo_nearest_genes.RData Auxiliary table
*_clump_nearest_genes.RData Auxiliary table
*_Manhattan.png Manhattan plot
*_snp_density.png SNP density plot
*_QQplot.png QQ-plot for the \(p\)-values
*_beta_hist.png Plot: histogram of \(\beta\)-values
*_beta_kernel.png Kernel density plot of \(\beta\)-values
*_rmd_review_params.RData Auxiliary table
*_signif_markers.xls Spreadsheet with significant markers
*_report.html Main output of review_gwas
*_review.log Main logfile for review_gwas

The most important file, containing the graphical presentation of the results, is *_report.html.
It can be copied to a local computer and opended with some browser. The HTML file contains a link to an Excel file ( "*_signif_markers.xls" ) containing a list of all genome-wide significant markers. The link works only if the spreadsheet is copied to the same folder as the HTML file. Note that no Excel file is created if too many genome-wide significant markers have been identified, see the description of the max_xls-parameter above.

Checking accuracy

After running review_gwas, it is recommended to check if all parts of the pipeline were executed without failure. Therefore, it is useful to parse all logfiles in the results-folder for errors or warnings. This can be accomplished by using the following Linux commands:

fgrep -i error *.log
fgrep -i warning *.log

The -i option stands for ignore case, ensuring that also phrases like “ERROR” or “Error” are detected. If these commands yield no output, the regression step was most likely successful. If exactly launched as displayed above, the command also checks the logfiles created in the regression step, in the GCTA-COJO step, and in the PLINK-CLUMP step (if conducted).

The following warning possibly created in the PLINK-CLUMP step can be ignored: “No significant - -clump results. Skipping”. It means that an individual chromosome did not contain any genome-wide significant hit.

A frequently occuring error is runtime limit exceedance, especially for the chromosomes having many markers (e.g. chromosome 2). In that case, the job must be restarted with a higher runtime claim, by scaling up the minutes-parameter.

If a more rigorous check is to be done, the script check_gwas can be executed, see some details here. This program checks also completeness of the results and considers the dates of the logfiles in order to exclude outdated files.


The script review_gwas calls the subprogram review_gwas.R, which in turn loads several Rmarkdown templates and code chunks (table_signif.Rmd, table_cojoed.Rmd, table_clumped.Rmd, comparison_plink_clump.Rmd, table_unpruned.Rmd). Additionally, a file review_functions.R is loaded, containing some helper-scripts.


In order to run review_gwas, you have to change to the folder containing the results of the previously executed scripts. If the identifier was chosen to be “Test” in the regression step, this can be accomplished by typing

cd Test  

The minimal input of review_gwas might then be the following (assuming liver_fat has been used as a phenotype name in the pipeline):

review_gwas --id Test --phenoname liver_fat

As mentioned above, review_gwas can only take one phenotype at a time.

Sometimes, it might be necessary to repeat the run with increased runtime request, because the job could not be finished timely. The runtime limit can be adjusted by modifying the minutes parameter:

review_gwas --id Test --phenoname liver_fat --minutes 150  

(The default runtime, as defined in ~/review_settings.sh, is 90 minutes.)

Please keep in mind that you can also use the short version of the formal parameters, so that the last command can be replaced by:

review_gwas -i Test -pn liver_fat -m 150

The minutes parameter refers to the runtime for the whole script.

All available command line parameters of review_gwas are listed if the command is typed without any arguments. Also, keep in mind that the default options can be changed by modifying the file ~/review_settings.sh.

A typical GWAS session

In the following, a complete GWAS run is presented, merely applying a minimal set of the mandatory command line parameters. All other parameters are set to default values by gathering information from the parameter file and from the corresponding settings files.

1. Regression

Jobs can for instance be executed in the folder /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST. This folder already contains some covariate and phenotype files. (An alternative location would be /proj/sens2019016/nobackup/GWAS_TEST.)
Let us assume we are in the above mentioned folder:

pwd # /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST 

An example of a phenotype file is liver_INT.txt  :

ls -l liver_INT.txt  

The first five rows of this phenotype file can be viewed using the head command:

head -5 liver_INT.txt   

which yields the following output:

Head of a phenotype file

Head of a phenotype file

The file contains a phenotype labelled “liver_fat”. (The #FID and IID columns are mandatory.) This phenotype file and this phenotype name can be used to run the following regression:

run_gwas --id Test --phenofile liver_INT.txt --phenoname liver_fat

The phenotype liver_fat is a continuous variable. Therefore, a linear regression is carried out. See above for encoding of binary phenotypes. The phenotype file is expected to be located in the current folder (/proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST), because the phenofolder variable is set to the actual folder by the instruction phenofolder=“.” in the settings file ~/gwas_settings.sh. (A dot specifies the actual folder in UNIX/Linux.)

A covariate file name was not given here. It is therefore taken from the parameter file, where covarfile=“GWAS_covariates_PC40.txt” is specified. This file contains the covariates “array”, “sex”, “age”, “age_squared”, as well as 40 Genetic Principal Components calculated by PCA for 337,466 individuals filtered for Caucasian ethnic background and for absence of relatives in the database. Note that not all covariates included in this file are automatically used in the regression, but only those included in a comma-separated list passed to the variable covarname. The covarname variable is also defined in the settings file but can also be modified on the command line. It is important to note that the covariate file must reside in the same folder as the phenotype file, i.e. it’s location is determined by the phenofolder variable.

If the regression is started as shown above, all human autosomes are included in the GWAS following the specification in ~/gwas_settings.sh, which reads chrom=“1-22”.

We have not assigned any of the parameters maf, mac. vif, hwe, mr2, geno, mind, or minutes on the command line, so that all values are taken from ~/gwas_settings.sh. A brief description of these parameters was given above, a detailed description is on the PLINK website.

As already mentioned, the script run_gwas creates a folder for each run and stores all output files in this folder. It is convenient to change to this folder in order to follow the progress of the jobs:

cd Test

(Remember that Test was the job-ID chosen.)

The progress of the job can be followed using the squeue command:


The output of squeue might look like that:

Screenshot of squeue output

Screenshot of squeue output

There is one job for each chromosome with jobname “GWAS-XX”, where “XX” stands for the chromosome number. The jobs for the individual chromosomes are submitted simultaneously. However, they might not start immediately because of the lack of available nodes on the server.

The status of the job can be inferred from the status (ST) column of the squeue command:

  • PD:   job is pending
  • R:       job is running
  • CG:   job is completing

More about technical terms connected with the queue can be found here.

Remember that it is possible to cancel accidentally submitted jobs with the scancel command:

scancel jobID  

(The jobID is listed in the JOBID column of the squeue output.)

You can also cancel all jobs belonging to your user name by typing:

scancel -u username 

At any time, you can look at the logfiles produced using the Linux more command, e.g.

more Test_gwas.log   

All logfiles can be listed with

ls -l *.log

Important parameters are included in the parameter file:

more Test_gwas_params.txt  

However, do not change this file under any circumstances (!), because it is used for gathering of information by subsequent scripts.

When the jobs are finished, or even while they are still running, it is recommended to check if the logfiles contain any error messages or warnings:

fgrep -i error *.log
fgrep -i warn *.log  

When the regression was succesful, the main output files can be listed by using:

ls -l *.glm.linear


ls -l *.glm.logistic  

depending on the type of regression made.

A typical file containing regression results looks like that:

head -5 Test_gwas_chr1.liver_fat.glm.linear
Regression output file

Regression output file

It contains chromosome, position, name, alleles, allele frequencies, \(\beta\)-values, standard errors, and \(p\)-values for each marker.

The number of entries in each output file can be counted by executing the command:

wc -l Test_gwas*.glm.linear

The numbers obtained must agree with the numbers of SNP’s on each chromosome (but keep in mind that the header line is also counted by the above command).

Now, it is possible to look at the results by running review_gwas. Alternatively, independent markers can be identified by conducting GCTA-COJO and/or PLINK-CLUMP, see below.


In order to find SNP’s in linkage equilibrium (“independent markers”), the program GCTA-COJO can be applied. It is started on the server using the run_cojo script:

pwd # /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST/Test
run_cojo --id Test    

The phenotype name (phenoname variable) is not explicitly invoked on the command line. In this case, all phenotypes that have been used in run_gwas are considered. In our example, this is only a single phenotype, so that the command

run_cojo --id Test  --phenoname liver_fat  

would start the same job.

If run_cojo is started as shown above, it invokes a reduced genotype database (“FTD_rand”) with 10.000 individuals as a reference dataset. In order to apply the same genotype dataset as used in the regression step, the alt_genoid entry in ~/cojo_settings.sh must be removed (or commented out with a hash #).

Again, the progress of run_cojo can be watched using the squeue command. The script submits 25 jobs per phenotype. The individual subprograms have several dependencies, as already described above.

It is recommended to use the fgrep commands shown above in order to check if errors occurred or if warning messages have been issued during the run.

After finishing the job, the main output file, with suffix *.jma, should be available:

ls -l Test_liver_fat_cojo.jma

The file format looks like that:

head -5 Test_liver_fat_cojo.jma 
Main COJO output

Main COJO output

It is possible to count the number of significant and independent markers with:

wc -l Test_liver_fat_cojo.jma

More or less as a byproduct, run_cojo collects genome-wide significant hits for all chromosomes in a separate text file. This file has always the suffix gwas_signif.txt, while the first part of the filename depends on the parameters invoked. It is now easy to count the number of significant (but not independent) markers:

wc -l  Test_liver_fat_gwas_signif.txt 

To have a quick look at the number of significant hits on each chromosome, one can for example type:

awk '{print $2}' Test_liver_fat_gwas_signif.txt | uniq -c

(The awk command just prints the 2nd column of the file.)
We have 456 hits on chromosome 19 and 206 hits on chromosome 22 for this example.

4. Reviewing results

The script review_gwas collects all results from the previously submitted programs and creates a file to be opened with a web browser. It has to be started in the folder created by run_gwas:

pwd # /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST/Test
review_gwas --id Test --phenoname  liver_fat

Here, the phenotype name has to be invoked explicitly, because review_gwas can only work with a single phenotype at a time.

As before, the squeue command can be used to watch the progress of the script. Additionally, you might want to look at the logfile from time to time in order to see how far the script has proceeded:

more  Test_liver_fat_review.log  

(Note that the name of the file again consists of a parameter-dependent part and a fixed part.)

If the file gets bigger and bigger it might be better to list the last (20) rows only:

tail -20 Test_liver_fat_review.log  

The script needs some time to finish because high-resolution graphical output is produced.

The most important output of review_gwas is the .html file:

ls -l Test_liver_fat_report.html

Another result is a spreadsheet containing the genome-wide significant markers:

ls -l Test_liver_fat_signif_markers.xls

(No spreadsheet is created if too many genome-wide significant hits have been identified, the threshold is defined by the max_xls parameter, see above.)

In order to inspect the results of the GWAS, copy the .html and the .xls file to a local computer, and place both files in the same folder. The .html   file can now be viewed with a browser. Here is an example output.

The output file containing the results of a logistic regression looks slightly different. Here is an example.

Summary of the essential commands

Here is a summary of the essential commands submitted to the server:

cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST
run_gwas --id Test  
cd Test
run_cojo --id Test
run_clump --id Test 
review_gwas --id Test --phenoname liver_fat 
fgrep -i error *.log
fgrep -i warn *.log
ls -l *.html    # main result 
ls -l *.xls     # spreadsheet

In order to follow up the progress of your jobs, you can use the squeue command at any time:


If jobs were accidentally submitted, they can be cancelled using:

scancel jobid

(The jobID is listed in the JOBID column of the squeue output.)

You can cancel all your jobs with

scancel -u username 

Concise summary of results

A very concise summary of the results can be obtained using the script recap_gwas. The script is fast and does not run in a calculation node, i.e. it starts immediately. However, you have to make sure that the program is started in interactive mode, look here in order to see how to do this.

The script must be started in the folder containing the output files of the previously conducted scripts:

pwd # /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST/Test  
recap_gwas --id Test  

The phenotype name is inferred from the parameter file if not explicitly invoked on the command line. Multiple phenotypes can be considered at once. The main output is a spreadsheet containing the most important results of a GWAS session. Content and name of the spreadsheet depend on which programs have been run during the GWAS session.

Programs run Filename Content
run_gwas only "*_unpruned.xls" genome-wide significant markers with \(p > p_{thres}\)
run_gwas + cojo "*_cojo.xls" independent markers according to GCTA-COJO
run_gwas + clump "*_clump.xls" independent markers according to PLINK-CLUMP
run_gwas + both "*_clump_cojo.xls" independent markers according to both algorithms

The star (*) in the filename description stands for a parameter-dependent string (which consists of the identifier and the phenotype name, separated by an underscore).

If neither GCTA-COJO nor PLINK-CLUMP were run, a list of all genome-wide significant markers is stored in the corresponding spreadsheet. Genome-wide significance is determined by a \(p\)-value cutoff having a default value of \(p_{thres} = 5.0 \cdot 10^{-8}\). The default value is hard-coded in the script. However, the threshold can be changed on command line by using the - -pval   option , e.g.:

recap_gwas --id Test --pval 1e-8

The \(p\)-value is neglected if GCTA-COJO and/or PLINK-CLUMP were run.

If multiple phenotypes were run through GWAS, a subset of phenotype names can be chosen explicitly on the command line, like so:

recap_gwas --id Test  --phenoname liver_fat  --pval 1e-8  

If multiple phenotypes are to be invoked, their names must be separated by a comma:

recap_gwas --id Test  --phenoname liver_fat,liver_size  --pval 1e-8

Besides the spreadsheet, recap_gwas outputs a text file containing the names of the most important files created during the GWAS session. The name of this file ends on *.files.txt.   The star (*) in the filename denotes a parameter-dependent string (which consists of the identifier and the phenotype name, separated by an underscore).

Check GWAS results for errors and warnings

This can be accomplished by using check_gwas.


cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST/liver16
check_gwas --id liver16 

The script writes a comprehensive logifile gwas_check.log. The total number of warnings is reported.

Archiving of projects

GWAS runs can be archived and retrieved using the scripts archive_gwas and retrieve_gwas, respectively.

The programs must be started from outside (!) the results folder. The script archive_gwas has only one command line parameter which is the unique identifier used during the whole GWAS session:

pwd # /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST  
ls -ld Test 
archive_gwas --id Test 

The job is submitted to the batch queue, calling the subprogram tar_gwas.sh.
The whole folder is compressed to a *.tar.gz archive, in the above example to Test.tar.gz. A copy of some important files is kept outside the .tar.gz   archive for fast access. A logfile ("*_archive.log") is written (here: Test_archive.log).

A few parameters are defined in the settings file ~/archive_settings.sh   :

Parameter Desription Variable Default value
minutes requested runtime in minutes same 10
partition requested partition (node or core) same node
delete_folder delete original folder (0 or 1) same 0 (do not delete)

Note that the original folder is not removed when the default settings apply. However, this can be changed by modifying the delete_folder   option in the settings file.

For demonstration, let’s move the archive to a different location in the file system:

mv -i Test.tar.gz  /proj/sens2019016/nobackup/GWAS_TEST/  

Here, the original folder can be restored using the retrieve_gwas   script:

cd /proj/sens2019016/nobackup/GWAS_TEST/   
retrieve_gwas --id Test 

The job is sent to the batch queue, calling the subprogram untar_gwas.sh with job name “RETRIEVE”.
The scripts exits with an error message if attempts are made to overwrite an existing folder with the same name.
In order to gather the necessary partition and minutes   parameters, the ~/archive_settings.sh file is read.
The script writes a logfile labelled "*_retrieve.log" (where the star is replaced by the unique identifier)

Auxiliary scripts

Diagnostic tests on regression results


The program gwas_diagnose performs a detailed analysis of a multiple regression run for a single marker. It conducts a number of diagnostic tests on the variables used during regression and on the residuals resulting therefrom. The regression is conducted in R in order to be able to check if the results obtained by the PLINK program can be replicated independently.

It is convenient to start this script in a folder containing GWAS results obtained earlier. This makes it possible for the script to get some information from the parameter file (*_gwas_params.txt). Likewise, a comparison with GWAS results calculated by PLINK is made possible.

In a first step, the script extracts the genotype for the given marker using PLINK2. The actual analysis is then conducted by the subprogram gwas_diagnose.R.

If not invoked on command line, the script reads the name of the covariate file, the covariate names, and the name of the phenotype file from the parameter file ( “*_gwas_params.txt”; created by the run_gwas script).

The name of the summary statistics file is also automatically detected, if no alternative name is given on the command line.

Some default parameters are read from “diagnose_settings.sh” (which should be located in the home directory).

In order to detect multicollinearity, a (Pearson) correlation matrix and the variance inflation factors for the regressors are calculated.

A comparison of the PLINK regression with R-regression results is only possible if the genuine summary statistics file (created by run_gwas) is available in the workfolder. If such a comparison is desired, it is suggested not to enter the the name of the covariate file, the covariate name, or the name of the phenotype file ( - -pheno, - -covar, - -cname parameters) on the command line - these parameters are automatically inferred from *_gwas_params.txt, ensuring that both computations use the same input parameters. If no summary statistics file is available, the comparison with the PLINK results is dismissed. This opens up for the possibility to run a quick regression for a single marker (if once started in the queue, the script takes 2 to 3 minutes only).

Subsequent to regression, gwas_diagnose carries out a number of diagnostic tests on the residuals.
The diagnostic tests include:

  • a calculation of the variance inflation factors for the predictor variables (marker genotype and covariates),
  • a calculation of the most important regression metrics, e.g. the estimated standard deviation of the noise term (\(\sigma\)), the coefficient of determination (\(R^2\)), and the Akaike information criterion (AIC),
  • a calculation (in R) of the regression coefficients (\(\beta\)) for the predictor variables, including their confidence intervals, standard errors, and \(p\)-values,
  • several diagnostic plots for the residuals (QQ-plot, scale-location plot, autocorrelation plot, plot of influential variables),
  • a plot of the phenotype versus the marker genotype, in order to illustrate the regression quality,
  • an estimation of potential outliers

For detailed information regarding the output created by gwas_diagnose, check the example output linked below.


The program gwas_diagnose has the following command line parameters:

gwas_diagnose options

gwas_diagnose options

Parameter Description Variable name Default value
snp Name of the marker to be investigated marker no default
chr Chromosome where the marker is located chrom no default
pname Phenotype name phenoname no default
pheno Phenotype file phenofile *_gwas_params.txt
covar Covariates file covarfile *_gwas_params.txt
cname Covariate names covarname *_gwas_params.txt
genoid Identifier of the input genotype data set genoid ~/diagnose_settings.sh
summary Summary statistics file from GWAS session summaryfile file name convention
minutes Requested runtine for genotype extraction minutes ~/diagnose_settings.sh
rminutes Requested runtine for analysis of residuals rminutes ~/diagnose_settings.sh
switch Conduct regression on alternate allele switch 0 (use minor allele)
nocomp Skip comparison with PLINK results nocomp 0 (compare with PLINK)
inter Run in interactive mode (not in SLURM) inter 0 (run in SLURM)

The 3rd column of the table (“Variable name”) displays the variable names used internally in the scripts and in the settings file ~/diagnose_settings.sh.

The minimum input consists of the SNP name, the chromosome the SNP resides on, and the phenotype name (these 3 variables have no default). Other parameters are sourced from the “settings file” diagnose_settings.sh, but can be overwritten on the command line. Very few parameters are exclusively defined in the settings file, e.g. the PLINK2.0 version, see the table below.

The - -snp command line option specifies the marker to be investigated. The marker must be included in the genotype database. It is therefore convenient to use some marker listed in the output table of a finished GWAS session (a table in some review_gwas output, like this one). Note that the unique marker name has to be invoked, including the characters specifying both alleles. The unique marker name can be inferred from the non-unique name using the script get_alleles.

The - -chr parameter specifies the chromosome the marker is located on. The chromosome number can also be taken from the table in the review_gwas output.

The - -pname parameter specifies the name of the phenotype to be used as a response variable in the regression. This phenotype name must be a column name in the corresponding phenotype file (this is checked by the script). The phenotype file name containing the phenotypes is automatically read from the parameter file *_gwas_params.txt if not explicitely given on the command line. (It is recommended to let the script read the phenotype file name.) The phenotype file must be located in the folder defined by phenofolder. (If a dot is entered for phenofolder, the phenotype file must reside in the current folder, i.e. the folder the gwas_diagnose is started from.) Phenotype names and phenotype file names can also be looked up in the logfiles or in the parameter file created during a GWAS session.

The covariates to use (- -cname) and the covariate file (- -covar) are automatically inferred from the parameter file (*_gwas_params.txt). The names of the covariates to be included must be column names of the covariate file (also checked by the script). The covariate file must be located in the same folder as the phenotype file (i.e. it must be located in the current folder if a dot was entered for the phenofolder variable).

The genoid parameter specifies which genotype dataset is used as input. Only a few choices are possible, depending on the project you are working with. In general, it should be sufficient to keep the definition which is pre-selected in ~/diagnose_settings.sh.

If the regression results are to be compared with some PLINK results obtained earlier, the script must be started in a folder containing these results. Then, the gwas_diagnose uses the summary file created by PLINK for this comparison. By default, the name of the summary file is guessed (by file name convention, defined in gwas_chr.sh). The name of the summary file can be changed using the - -summary parameter (not recommended).

The - -minutes and the - -rminutes parameters specify the requested runtime for the genotype extraction and for the analysis of the residuals, respectively. The default values are specified in ~/diagnose_settings.sh.

By default, the regression is made on the minor allele (switch is set to 0 in gwas_diagnose.sh). The regression is conducted on the alternate allele if - -switch is set to 1 on the command line.

By default, the script attempts to run a comparison with PLINK results. This is ensured by setting nocomp=0 in gwas_diagnose.sh, but can be overwritten on the command line by setting nocomp to 1.

If the - -inter parameter is not set, the calculations are made by sending the scripts to the SLURM (“Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management”) workload manager. However, the script can also be run in interactive mode by invoking - -inter on the command line. In this case the interactive mode has to be started first, e.g. by using : interactive -n 16 -t 6:00:00 -A sens2019016.

Some default parameters are predefined in diagnose_settings.sh:

Parameter Description Variable name Default value
genoid genotype file identifier same ukb_imp_v3
genofolder location of the genotype files same /proj/sens2019016/GENOTYPES/PGEN
phenofolder phenotype file location same current folder
minutes Requested runtine for genotype extraction same 10
rminutes Requested runtine for analysis of residuals same 20
partition partition (node or core) same node


The script gwas_diagnose_INT performs a similar analysis as gwas_diagnose but puts the “fully adjusted two-stage inverse normal transformation” of the residuals in front of the regression. The transformation is described in this paper. The input parameters are the same as for gwas_diagnose.

The script gwas_diagnose_nomarker runs a regression on the covariates, without a marker involved. The same diagnostic tests are made. This can for instance be helpful if the impact of the marker on the regression is to be assessed. The script uses a limited parameter set compared to gwas_diagnose:

Parameter Description Variable name Default value
pname Phenotype name phenoname no default
pheno Phenotype file phenofile *_gwas_params.txt
covar Covariates file covarfile *_gwas_params.txt
cname Covariate names covarname *_gwas_params.txt
rminutes Requested runtine for analysis of residuals rminutes ~/diagnose_settings.sh
inter Run in interactive mode (not in SLURM) inter 0 (run in SLURM)

The explanations of the parameters are the same as above.

Example program calls

1.) Running gwas_diagnose with the three mandatory parameters. The unique marker name, including both alleles, must be used. It was ensured beforehand that the marker is on chromosome 5 (by looking at the review_gwas output):

gwas_diagnose --snp rs767276217_A_G --chr 5 --pname liv5

2.) Running gwas_diagnose in an interactive session:

interactive -n 16 -t 3:00:00 -A sens2019016   
cd /castor/project/proj/GWAS_DEV3/liver10
gwas_diagnose --snp rs188247550_T_C  --chr 19 --pheno liver_fat_ext.txt --pname liver_fat_a --inter   

3.) Running without marker. This runs a regression on the covariates only, followed by the same diagnostic tests:

gwas_diagnose_nomarker --pname liver_fat_a  

4.) Running the diagnostic tests after transformation of the phenotype variable (using the “fully adjusted two-stage inverse normal transformation”):

gwas_diagnose_INT --snp rs767276217_A_G --chr 5  --pname liv5    

5.) The same with the regression made on the alternate allele (- -switch):

gwas_diagnose_INT --snp rs767276217_A_G --chr 5  --pname liv2 --switch    

Example output files

An example output file for gwas_diagnose is here. An example output file for gwas_diagnose_nomarker can be found here. A comparison of the residuals with and without inclusion the the marker is linked here. The comparison was made using the script compare_residuals (see below). More example output files can be found in the “MolEpic” domain, for instance in:

  • ‘Gold\MolEpi\Personal folders and scripts\Uwe\gwas\sens2019016\DIAGNOSE’ or
  • ‘Gold\MolEpi\MolEpic\Imiomics\gwas\sens2019016\DIAGNOSE’

Comparison of distributions

The script compare_residuals can be used to compare two distributions, e.g. the residuals after two different regressions. The residuals must be available in “.RData” format:

The output includes:

  • a comparison of the histograms
  • a comparison of the density plots
  • a comparison of the QQ-plots
  • a comparison of the cumulative distribution plots
  • a scatterplot of the residuals against each other


compare_residuals resid1.RData  resid2.RData 

An example output is here.

Transformation of variables

Simple transformations

Simple transformations can be done using the script transform_phenotypes. Input parameters are just the phenotype file to transform (in the format required by PLINK) and the desired type of transformation. All phenotype columns in the file are transformed (Note that the first two columns are reserved for IID and FID).

Possible transformation are:

  • logarithmic transformation
  • square root transformation
  • inverse normal transformation (INT)

1.) Example of a logarithmic transformation:

cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST
transform_phenotypes liver_fat_pred_c.txt log


  • the tranformed file (liver_fat_pred_c.txt.log_trans) and
  • a plot showing the distributions before and after the transformation:

2.) Example of a square root transformation:

cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST
transform_phenotypes liver_fat_pred_c.txt sqrt


  • the tranformed file (liver_fat_pred_c.txt.sqrt_trans) and
  • a plot showing the distributions before and after the transformation:

3.) Example of an inverse normal transformation:

cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST
transform_phenotypes liver_fat_pred_c.txt norm


  • the tranformed file (liver_fat_pred_c.txt.norm_trans) and
  • a plot showing the distributions before and after the transformation:

Boxcox transformation

The Boxcox transformation can be realised using transform_phenotypes_boxcox. Input is the phenotype file, the covariate file, and a string defining the covariates to use in the linear regression. Multiple phenotypes can be transformed simutaneously.


cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST
covarnames = "PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4,PC5,PC6,PC7,PC8,PC9,PC10,array,sex,age"
transform_phenotypes_boxcox  liver_fat_ext.txt GWAS_covariates.txt ${covarnames}    


  • the tranformed file (boxcoxed_liver_fat_ext.txt)
  • a plot showing the log-likelihood vs. \(\lambda\)
  • a plot showing the distributions before and after the transformation

Note that the output might contain fewer lines than the input files because only the intersection of phenotype and covariates can be considered.

Inverse-normal transformed residuals

The script transform_phenotypes_INT calculates the inverse-normal transformed residuals that result from the first step of “fully adjusted two-stage inverse-normal transformation” (reference).
These residuals can then be used as dependent variable in a regression on the genotype and the covariates, as done in the script gwas_diagnose_INT.

The steps performed are:

  • Linear regression of the phenotype against the covariates (no genotype included)
  • Extraction of the residuals from that regression
  • Inverse Normal transformation of the residuals

Input are the phenotype file, the covariate file, and a string defining the covariates to be used in the linear regression. Multiple phenotypes can be transformed simutaneously.


cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST
covarnames = "PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4,PC5,PC6,PC7,PC8,PC9,PC10,array,sex,age"
transform_phenotypes_INT  liver_fat_ext.txt  GWAS_covariates.txt ${covarnames}    


  • the tranformed file (IN_transformed_liver_fat_ext.txt)
  • a plot showing the original distributions of the penotype, the distribution of the residuals after the linear regression, the distribution of the residuals after the linear regression and inverse-normal transformation, and a QQ-plot of the latter (as PDF)

Explore correlations between covariates

The script examine_covariates

  • calculates correlations between pairs of covariates and plots a heatmap illustrating this
  • calculates the variance inflation factors for the covariates

The script has one mandatory parameter (covariate-file) and one optional parameter (correlation threshold). The threshold defines the Pearson correlation that is regarded as maximum permissible. The default value of the threshold is 0.5.


cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST
examine_covariates  GWAS_covx.txt  


  • a spreadsheet (examine_covariates.xls) listing pairs of covariates whose correlation exceeds the threshold
  • a heatmap of the correlation between the covariates (correlation_heatmap.png)

Fetching phenotypes from a local database

An ID is necessary to fetch a phenotype from the database. Therefore, it is convenient to use fetch_pheno together with search_fieldID. The latter script provides the ID.

The local database is specified in ~/fetch_settings.sh.


cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST
search_fieldID principal 
search_fieldID principal notes # if the "Question asked" is to be added to the output

This command yields two fields containing the keyword principal. One of the field ID’s can now be used to fetch the corresponding phenotype:

fetch_pheno --field 22009 --out PCA.txt 

The output file PCA.txt now contains 40 principal components (plus the IID and FID columns).

Filtering phenotype files

In order to filter phenotype files, a file containing the ID’s to be filtered for is necessary. Two alternative programs can be used for filtering.

1.) A bash script:

2.) An R-script:

Both scripts use the same input parameters:

  • the phenotype file to be filtered
  • the filter file, containg sample ID’s
  • the ID-column number in the phenotype file (mostly 1)
  • the ID-column number in the filter file (mostly 1)


The file caucasian_22006.txt contains Caucasian individuals only and can be used as a filter file. (The file was fetched from a local database using fetch_pheno.) The phenotype file pheno_487409.txt contains additional samples. We attempt to filter that phenotype file for Caucasians:

cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST 
wc -l pheno_487409.txt     # 487410
wc -l caucasian_22006.txt  # 409630  less samples
filter_pheno --pheno pheno_487409.txt --filter caucasian_22006.txt --c1 1 --c2 1 

We tell the script in which columns the ID’s reside by specifying - -c1 and - -c2, respectively.
The output phenotype file pheno_487409.filtered contains only Caucasian individuals.

The same can be achieved by using the R-script:

filter_phenotype  pheno_487409.txt  caucasian_22006.txt  1  1 

The R-script returns an output file (pheno_487409.txt.filtered) containing the filtered phenotype and a Venn diagram illustrating the intersection of the input files and the output file:

Note that the output (filtered) file might contain fewer lines than both input files because the intersection of samples is considered (as illustrated by the Venn diagramm).

Extract genotype data in raw format (extract counts)

Raw genotype files can be read by external programs, e.g. by R. In order to extract genetic raw data for a given list of markers and samples, the script extract_raw can be used.

Mandatory parameters are:

  • the name of the file containing the samples to be included (- -samples)
  • the name of the file containing the markers to be included (- -markers)
  • a string defining the file name prefix for the output files (- -out)

Optional parameters are:

  • the chromosomes to be considered (- -chr), with default “1-22”
  • the ID of the genotype database to extract from (- -genoid), with default “ukb_imp_v3” (the most comprehensive database)

The optional parameters are inferred from ~/extract_raw_settings.sh if not specified on the command line.


The script should be run in interactive mode (otherwise, the script complains and exits!).

interactive -n 16 -t 30:00 -A sens2019016
cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST
wc -l SNP_list.txt    # 10 markers
wc -l samples.txtx    # 337466 samples
extract_raw --samples samples.txt --markers SNP_list.txt  --out SNP_out 

The output consists of a logfile and a file containing the raw data for each chromosome that harbored at least one of the specified markers. For the example above, hits have been found on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, and 19 :

Each of the raw data files has one column for the sample ID’s and one column for each marker found on this chromosome. An example showing the first 10 rows is here (ID’s anonymized, non-integer values are imputed). The files for the individual chromosomes can be joined using the script merge_on_first_column.

Additionally, a logfile containg information for each chromosome is created, looking like this.

It might be a problem to obtain the sample list (which possibly must be filtered). Here we show how the samples filtered for ethnic background and relatives can be created. In order to do this, we use the sample list belonging to the “FTD” database:

cd /proj/sens2019016/GENOTYPES/PGEN_ORIG                    # go there
cp -i ../PGEN/FTD_chr9.psam /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST/    # copy to workfolder
cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST/                             # go back to workfolder
tail -n +2 FTD_chr9.psam | awk '{print $2}' > samples.txt   # create list
wc -l samples.txt                                           # 337466 that's the list used above

Merge multiple file by ID’s in the 1st column

The script can be used to merge multiple files, e.g. the output files of extract_raw. The files will be merged based on the entries in the first column of the input files (should be some sort of unique ID’s). The files to be merged have to be specified using a file of file names (fofn):


cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST/ 
ls tab1_chrom*.raw > raw.fofn    # create fofn
merge_on_first_column  raw.fofn  merged.out    

The output file (here: merged.out) contains the concatenated files.

Calculate linkage of a pair of SNP’s

The linkage of a pair of markers can be calculated using linkage_pair

Mandatory parameters:

  • the names of both markers (- -snp1 ; - -snp2), and
  • the chromosome they are located on (- -chromosome).

Optional parameter:

  • the data base to fetch the genotype data from (- -genoid)

If not provided on the command line, the name of the genotype data base will be taken from ~/linkage_settings.sh.

Like many programs described here, linkage_pair consists of a bash script (linkage_pair.sh), an R script (linkage_pair.R), and an Rmarkdown file (linkage_pair.Rmd). The bash script downloads the marker genotype, the R script does the calculations, and the Rmarkdown presents the results. Addtionally, the script extract_genotype.sh is utilized. The script simply runs a regression of the genotype of one marker against the other.


cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST/  
linkage_pair --snp1 rs58542926_T_C --snp2 rs188247550_T_C  --chr 19

The unique marker names, containing both alleles, are needed here. The output consists of several plots, a logfile, and an HTML file containing the results. An example output is here.

More example output:

  • \Gold\Personal folders and scripts\Uwe\gwas\sens2019016\LINKAGE
  • \Gold\MolEpi\MolEpic\Imiomics\gwas\sens2019016\LINKAGE

Filter a (phenotype) file

It is often necessary to filter the samples in a phenotype (or other) file according to certain criteria. This can be accomplished by using filter_samples. The script uses the ID column for filtering.

The options can be combined using a comma-separated list. The scripts can read several input formats, but the files must be tab-separated.


PGEN format (.psam):

cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST/  
filter_samples ukb_imp_v3_chr19.psam a,b  filtered.txt              # keep only unrelated Caucasians
filter_samples ukb_imp_v3_chr19.psam a,b,c,d  filtered2.txt         # keep only unrelated Caucasians that are MRI scanned and do not have aneuploidy
filter_samples ukb_imp_v3_chr19.psam a,b,c,d,e  filtered_female.txt # as above but females only    
filter_samples ukb_imp_v3_chr19.psam a,b,c,d,f  filtered_male.txt   # as above but males only    

BED format (.fam):

cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST/ 
filter_samples  FTD_chr22.fam  a filtered_relat.txt   # keep only unrelated individuals

RAW files with 2 columns:

cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST/ 
filter_samples  filter_input.txt  c,f  filter_output_1.txt   # keep only MRI-scanned males 

RAW files with 1 column:

cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST/ 
filter_samples  filter_in_one.txt  c,e  filter_output_2.txt  # keep only MRI-scanned females

The script should automatically detect the input file format (PGEN, BED, RAW).

Join two phenotype files

This program can only be run in an interactive session (not in the login node, checked by the script). To start an interactive session, type for example:

interactive -n 16 -t 30:00 -A sens2019016

The script can then be started:

The scripts merges the two input phenotype files (specified by - -file1 and - -file2, respectively) into one. The two files are merged by the IID column, the concatenated file is written to the file specified by - -out.


cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST
join_pheno --file1 BMI_21001_plink.txt --file2 IN_transformed_BMI_21001_plink.txt --out joined_phenofile.txt. 

For illustration, a Venn plot is made showing the number of intersecting samples of both files:

(Here, the file2 samples are a true subset of the " file 1 samples.)

Get basic genotype statistics for a list of markers

The command get_stats calculates some basic genotype statistics for a number of markers. The only command line parameter is the name of the file containing the (unique) marker names:

The script is very fast and can also be run in the login node. Some default parameters are fetched from ~/stats_settings.sh, e.g. the chromosomes to search for the specified markers (default is “1-22”). The output includes two files:

  • one with basic frequency statistics for each marker (.afreq), and
  • one with some metrics connected to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (.hardy).


cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST 
get_stats --snps snp_list.txt 

Here are the input list, the resulting frequency file, and the resulting Hardy-Weinberg output for the commands displayed above.

Fetch samples from a list randomly

It might be necessary to fetch a certain number of samples randomly from a bigger list. As an example, the reference genotype dataset used for GCTA-COJO consists of 10.000 randomly chosen samples, in order to save CPU time. The script random_samples can fetch from lists in different formats (.pgen, .bed, or raw files with 1 or two columns). The input file format is automatically detected.

The command line parameters are:

  • the (big) input file,
  • the number of random samples to fetch, and
  • the name of the output file:


cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST
random_samples ukb_imp_v3_chr19.psam  10000  sampled.txt   # from .pgen
random_samples  FTD_chr22.fam  50000 s50000.txt            # from .bed
random_samples  filter_input.txt  1000  s1000.txt          # from raw file with 2 columns
random_samples  filter_in_one.txt  10000  choose10000.txt  # from raw file with one column

Remove samples from a genotype database

Sometimes samples have to be removed from a genotype database, for instance when patients withdraw from a study. This task can be accomplished using remove_samples.

Input is:

Mandatory parameters are:

  • the genotype database to be cleaned (- -genoid),
  • the name of the new genotype database(- -newgenoid), and
  • the name of the file containing the samples to be removed (- -sfile).

Optional parameters are:

  • the chromosomes to involve (- -chr) and
  • the estimated runtime in minutes (- -minutes).

If the optional parameters are not invoked on the command line, they are taken from ~/remove_settings.sh.

The sample file (- -sfile) must be a space/tab-delimited text file with family IDs in the first column and individual IDs in the second column, as usual for PLINK. The script should work for .pgen and .bed genotype formats, the format is automatically detected.


cd /proj/sens2019016/GWAS_TEST
remove_samples --genoid MF2 --new_genoid MF3 --sfile samples_to_remove.txt  

One batch job for each chromosome is started simultaneously.

Allele info

The script get_alleles just displays some information about a marker, taken from the local (“ukb_imp_v3”) database. Output looks like that:

Other programs

The following programs are mainly for administrative purposes and are not described in detail. Typing the program name on the command line provides some help (as for all scripts). The source code of the scripts is comprehensively commented.

The scripts are:

  • extract_snps : Create a smaller genotype database (with less markers) from a bigger one
  • extract_samples : Create a smaller genotype database (with less samples) from a bigger one
  • show_logdates : Show the modification dates of all logfiles in the current folder and compares with the date info of some other specified file
  • convert_genotype: converts a genotype database from .pgen to .bed format (which is for example needed for PLINK clump)
  • convert_phenofile: converts phenotype files (delivered by Taro) to a format readable by PLINK
  • concat_gwas_results: Merges GWAS output files (“*.linear”) for all chromosomes. Needed for Mendelian Randomization.
  • merge_gwas_results: the same as concat_gwas_results, with a little bit different code
