What can `DESeq’ do?

Loading the library

# source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
# biocLite("DESeq")

Loading count data from RNA-Seq

counts = get(load("counts_Hs.RData"))
## [1] 27704     6
## [1]      0 899348
## [1] TRUE
##                    A1    A2    A3   B1   B2    B3
## ENSG00000101557  2590  2647  3225 3173 3147  3515
## ENSG00000079134   487   488   570  565  663   677
## ENSG00000261724    10    10    14    4   10     9
## ENSG00000158270 13565 14006 16451 9602 9823 10311
## ENSG00000079101    29    23    44   16   20    16
## ENSG00000176912     4     9     5   14   10    20
conditions = get(load("conditions_Hs.RData"))  
## [1] "10mM" "10mM" "10mM" "0mM"  "0mM"  "0mM"
length(conditions) == ncol(counts)    # must be TRUE
## [1] TRUE
length(unique(conditions)) == 2       # simple analysis: just compare two conditions 
## [1] TRUE
nr.replicates.group1 = sum(conditions == unique(conditions)[1])
## [1] 3
nr.replicates.group2 = sum(conditions == unique(conditions)[2])
## [1] 3

Running DESeq

This might take quite a long time!

method = "per-condition"      # method = c( "pooled", "per-condition", "blind" )
sharingMode = "maximum"       # sharingMode = c( "maximum", "fit-only", "gene-est-only" ) 
fitType = "parametric"        # fitType = c("parametric", "local") 
cds <- DESeq::newCountDataSet(countData = counts, conditions = conditions)  
cds <- DESeq::estimateSizeFactors(cds)
cds <- DESeq::estimateDispersions(cds, method = method, sharingMode = sharingMode, fitType = fitType)   
cond1 = unique(conditions)[1]
## [1] "10mM"
cond2 = unique(conditions)[2]
## [1] "0mM"
res <- DESeq::nbinomTest(cds, cond1, cond2)
options(width = 110)
## [1] "data.frame"
##                id     baseMean    baseMeanA   baseMeanB foldChange log2FoldChange          pval          padj
## 1 ENSG00000101557  3020.629949  3118.736628 2922.523269  0.9370856    -0.09374721  3.915884e-02  1.094709e-01
## 2 ENSG00000079134   568.215137   570.746238  565.684036  0.9911306    -0.01285299  9.219691e-01  1.000000e+00
## 3 ENSG00000261724     9.625743    12.461472    6.790014  0.5448806    -0.87598802  1.377790e-01  3.135394e-01
## 4 ENSG00000158270 12543.776728 16246.055825 8841.497632  0.5442243    -0.87772684 3.512526e-137 2.870532e-135
## 5 ENSG00000079101    25.200071    34.912756   15.487385  0.4436025    -1.17266062  7.678901e-04  3.155856e-03
## 6 ENSG00000176912     9.869019     6.735315   13.002723  1.9305292     0.94899639  1.051728e-01  2.528601e-01

MA - plot

nr.deg = sum(res$padj <= 0.05)
nr.up = sum((res$padj <= 0.05) & (res$log2FoldChange > 0))
nr.down = sum((res$padj <= 0.05) & (res$log2FoldChange < 0))
x <- res[,c("baseMean", "log2FoldChange", "padj")]  # required by plotMA
##       baseMean log2FoldChange          padj
## 1  3020.629949    -0.09374721  1.094709e-01
## 2   568.215137    -0.01285299  1.000000e+00
## 3     9.625743    -0.87598802  3.135394e-01
## 4 12543.776728    -0.87772684 2.870532e-135
## 5    25.200071    -1.17266062  3.155856e-03
## 6     9.869019     0.94899639  2.528601e-01
y.limits = c(max(min(x$log2FoldChange), -10), min(max(x$log2FoldChange), 10))   # limit to (-10, 10) or smaller
## [1] -10.000000   9.705805
maintxt = paste(cond1, "vs.", cond2)
DESeq::plotMA(x, ylim = y.limits, col = ifelse(x$padj >= 0.05, "gray32", "red3"), main = maintxt, font.main = 1)    
mtext(paste("DESeq: ", nr.deg, "DEG's  ", nr.up, "up ", nr.down, "down"), side = 3, col = "blue")
abline(h = c(-2, 2), col = "blue", lty = 2, cex = 0.8)  # horizontal blue lines show 4-fold changes.