x = matrix(1:25, byrow = T, ncol = 5)
colnames(x) = LETTERS[1:5]
rownames(x) = 1:5
## A B C D E
## 1 1 2 3 4 5
## 2 6 7 8 9 10
## 3 11 12 13 14 15
## 4 16 17 18 19 20
## 5 21 22 23 24 25
heatmap(x, Rowv = NA , Colv = NA, scale = "none") # without reordering of rows and columns, without scaling
Note: Scaling (parameter scale
) centers and scales values in either the row or column direction!
Unfortunately, heatmap
turns the matrix around
The simplest heatmap is just the same as image(t(x))
heatmap(x, scale = "none") # without scaling
Reordering requires specification of:
- hierarchical clustering)euclidean
)heatmap(x, scale = "none", col = rainbow(25), main = "Rainbow colors", margins = c(5,5))
## Attaching package: 'gplots'
## The following object is masked from 'package:IRanges':
## space
## The following object is masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
## space
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
## lowess
heatmap.2(x, trace = "none", density.info = "none", dendrogram = "row", Colv = "NA", main = "Heatmap", col = topo.colors(20))
Parameter settings:
mat = matrix(rnorm(25), ncol = 5)
colnames(mat) = LETTERS[1:5]
rownames(mat) = letters[1:5]
heatmap.2(mat, trace = "none", density.info = "none", dendrogram = "col", hclust = function(x) hclust(x, method = "complete"), distfun = function(x) as.dist(1-cor(x, method = "pearson")))
Parameter settings:
rpkm = get(load("Gene_expression_RPKM.RData"))
## [1] "matrix"
## [1] 8 50
## ZK816.5 H04M03.48 Y57G11C.47 F44G4.1 T01G5.3 Y74C10AL.2
## 1d_DMSO 1.1005445 1.1162979 0.2006855 3.0373776 2.06624935 2.2633612
## 5d_DMSO 0.2608296 3.5519068 0.4722332 0.3682567 0.03881845 0.7676177
## 10d_DMSO 0.3944343 0.8953242 4.9258110 4.6982990 3.19578046 0.9466139
## 20d_DMSO 6.6255019 1.1693687 2.1356216 2.2803941 1.33951785 1.1976254
## 1d_DOG 7.6564441 5.6090525 3.2428403 7.6189638 4.60724855 4.7608273
## 5d_DOG 6.5659749 4.3029734 3.3611766 7.9542215 8.89153267 1.1944005
## 10d_DOG 4.6098874 6.7378059 5.8631724 9.4470706 1.00390257 4.5446366
## 20d_DOG 7.5589978 4.2755153 5.5044935 5.0802457 5.53324173 0.1645560
heatmap.2(rpkm, trace = "none", density.info = "none", dendrogram = "row", Colv = "NA", main = "RPKM", col = rainbow(10), margins = c(8, 10))