
sets <- read.table("set1_set2.csv", header=TRUE)    # read from disk and store in variable (object) "sets"
set1 = sets[,1]                                     # 1st column
set2 = sets[,2]                                     # 2nd column
## [1] 300
## [1] 300
plot(set1)                                          # x-axis: index 

plot(set1, set2, main = "Set2 vs. set1")            # set2 vs. set1

plot(set1, set2, main = "Set2 vs. set1", col = "blue") 

plot(set1, set2, main = "Set2 vs. set1", col = "blue", pch = 17) 

plot(set1, set2, main = "Set2 vs. set1", col = "red", pch = 2, cex = 1.2) 

plot(set1[1:10], set2[1:10], main = "Set2 vs. set1", col = "red", pch = 18, cex = 1.2) 
text(set1[1:10], set2[1:10], labels = LETTERS[1:10], pos = 2)         # add annotation to the points